Lunes, 18 Octubre 2021
  12 Replies
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Hi Dear
I built a garment from a mesh that expands double 2 in length
And double 1.5 in width
After I put stones the width as if not flexible at all.
This means that it is a bit difficult to wear the garment.
I'm trying to figure out what the reason is. Is it a high shore of an iron? Or too direct heat
I also iron an ironing mesh over no cloth maybe it's not protective enough?
Is there a way to fix other than replace the entire network?
hace 3 años aproximadamente
Respuesta aceptada
Of course, after decorating the product with crystals, the elongation decreases slightly. The glued crystal fixes the geometric shape of the mesh fragment under it and prevents it from stretching. If there are a lot of crystals glued on, the overall elongation of the product will decrease by a serious amount. Such products must first be cut with an increase in length and girth. It is difficult to predict the amount of the increase, because it depends on the area occupied by the crystals.

But all this matters if you really glue a lot of crystals so that you can hardly see the fabric between them. If the number of crystals is less, and the mesh and lycra without crystals occupy a large area, and the elasticity of the product has deteriorated significantly, then it is necessary to check the reaction of fabrics to heating with an iron.

Do a simple test: take mesh and lycra fragments with an exact size of 10cm x 10cm. Accurately measure the elasticity of these fragments before heat treatment, record the results. Carry out the processing with an iron at the same temperatureand duration as in the process of decorating with crystals, and check their elasticity, compare the obtained results with the preliminary ones.

Also, remember that sewing on the appliqué already significantly reduces the initial elasticity of the mesh. Dyeing fabrics also reduces their elasticity. Taking a mesh with high elasticity, we always get much less elasticity of the parts in the product. This is normal and this decrease in elasticity is incorporated into the pattern.
hace 3 años aproximadamente
Much better, well done :)
hace 3 años aproximadamente
Hi Dear

Want to show you how it ended ...
I hope not to be a "Leotard fixer" tot easy for me when something is incomplete but need to move forward :)

hace 3 años aproximadamente
Yes :)
hace 3 años aproximadamente
is this also with overlok?
hace 3 años aproximadamente
I'll write to you when it be ready.
hace 3 años aproximadamente
Ok thank you.
I would love to see a video
hace 3 años aproximadamente
Can't tell you how to finish the blue armpit stripes. In my opinion, this should be thought out at the level of sketch development. The only thing I can tell is that for girls with soft parts next to the armpits, the armhole on the swimsuit is better to handle with a wide inlay. Look at the photo. It is not difficult to do it yourself. We plan to record a lesson on such processing in the near future.
hace 3 años aproximadamente
Thank you very much
I was thinking of the possibility of connecting a triangle,
The question is how, one piece?
Or maybe a back and forth extension with a zigzag. And then Overlock?
If you have the opportunity to explain more I would be happy.
hace 3 años aproximadamente
You did well. The armholes is easy to enlarge.
hace 3 años aproximadamente
As you can see especially in the armpit area
The contraction is noticeable
hace 3 años aproximadamente
Thank you very much for this detailed and important answer
It is very true that there are very many dense stones.
Thanks so much again appreciate it
hace 3 años aproximadamente
Respuesta aceptada
Of course, after decorating the product with crystals, the elongation decreases slightly. The glued crystal fixes the geometric shape of the mesh fragment under it and prevents it from stretching. If there are a lot of crystals glued on, the overall elongation of the product will decrease by a serious amount. Such products must first be cut with an increase in length and girth. It is difficult to predict the amount of the increase, because it depends on the area occupied by the crystals.

But all this matters if you really glue a lot of crystals so that you can hardly see the fabric between them. If the number of crystals is less, and the mesh and lycra without crystals occupy a large area, and the elasticity of the product has deteriorated significantly, then it is necessary to check the reaction of fabrics to heating with an iron.

Do a simple test: take mesh and lycra fragments with an exact size of 10cm x 10cm. Accurately measure the elasticity of these fragments before heat treatment, record the results. Carry out the processing with an iron at the same temperatureand duration as in the process of decorating with crystals, and check their elasticity, compare the obtained results with the preliminary ones.

Also, remember that sewing on the appliqué already significantly reduces the initial elasticity of the mesh. Dyeing fabrics also reduces their elasticity. Taking a mesh with high elasticity, we always get much less elasticity of the parts in the product. This is normal and this decrease in elasticity is incorporated into the pattern.
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