Hello Lana,
I do not understand where I have to attach the pants of the unitard on the body ? To what line ?
On the front, is it waist line or high skirt line ?
On the back, do I do the island ? Or waist line ("T";) or somewhere else ?
Thank you.
около 3 лет назад
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Hello :)
The attaching line of the tbody and the pants of the unitard only depends on the design of the unitard. We combine the details of the body and leggings along the top line of the leggings and the waist line of the body (back along the top line of the "island").
около 3 лет назад
Ответ принят
Hello :)
The attaching line of the tbody and the pants of the unitard only depends on the design of the unitard. We combine the details of the body and leggings along the top line of the leggings and the waist line of the body (back along the top line of the "island").
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