need to use las paint :D
около 3 лет назад
Ответ принят
I cannot praise your work yet, because the painting is almost invisible. If the paint is hard on the fabric, try thinning the paint a little with just one drop of water. This will make the painting easier to adhere to the fabric.

But painting is the hardest part of learning. Therefore, I accept the task, you can continue to work.

If you want to practice, you can do this exercise:
On a piece of light-colored fabric, make pale spots with paint, gradually gaining the intensity of the color. Try not to get small strokes of paint so that the gradient is smooth.
около 3 лет назад
Well done :) It's a good practice.
около 3 лет назад
and after drying
около 3 лет назад
Thank you very much
I have to decide what and how many colors I want / need and order. In the meantime I'm practicing
около 3 лет назад
Ответ принят
I cannot praise your work yet, because the painting is almost invisible. If the paint is hard on the fabric, try thinning the paint a little with just one drop of water. This will make the painting easier to adhere to the fabric.

But painting is the hardest part of learning. Therefore, I accept the task, you can continue to work.

If you want to practice, you can do this exercise:
On a piece of light-colored fabric, make pale spots with paint, gradually gaining the intensity of the color. Try not to get small strokes of paint so that the gradient is smooth.
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