Hi Svetlana,

This journey have taught me a lot. This was first time for me to make gymnastic leotard and I love to make it. I noticed that there is many things that I need to do again to practise more but now I know what are my weak spots. I have got many new ideas and I will use them to make skating costumes. I'll hope in some day you will have course to make skating costumes also. Thank you very much!

около 2 лет назад
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Congratulations on completing the course! You should pay attention to mastering your painting skills and crystal aesthetics. It's always a matter of experience. The more you practice, the better you will get. Good luck and inspiration on your creative path!
около 2 лет назад
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Congratulations on completing the course! You should pay attention to mastering your painting skills and crystal aesthetics. It's always a matter of experience. The more you practice, the better you will get. Good luck and inspiration on your creative path!
около 2 лет назад
Thank you, I agree with you. This was my first time paint fabric and one reason to participate course. Now I just need to practise a lot. :)
около 2 лет назад
I'm sure you will succeed in time :)
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