version of a sketch transfer of the front to the traced pattern
около 3 лет назад
Ok :)
около 3 лет назад
I would be happy if in the course of design the videos would be translated
It interests me but I'm afraid it would be a little difficult without translation
около 3 лет назад
I get your opinion on the design.
It was chosen by the girl and was good for me because this is the first time I am sewing a leotard.
So I used the course in measurements and sewing and it was a good practice that I did not bother with design too much.
Although it was important for me to be precise to the next pgo v.

The intention here was general,
Beginning of entry into the groin should be higher and start from the line of hip fold approximately.
This is how I understood in retrospect and so I asked
Thank you very much for your comments
около 3 лет назад
It is difficult for me to advise something on this work. To be honest, I don't really like the design idea. But this is exclusively my perception, other people may have a different opinion.
I believe that leotard design should be in harmony with the natural lines of a person's figure. In fact, on the girl's figure, we always draw a semblance of a violin, which will form a beautiful figure of the female type. But I repeat again, other people may like other opinions.

The correction you made in the last post will look better, but I would recommend making the lines smoother.
около 3 лет назад
like that
около 3 лет назад
It seems to me a language I made a mistake in entering the groin. It will teach me what it should be. Basically the entrance should be from the opening line of the leg
около 3 лет назад
is this wrong?
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