Hello Lana, here my pattern for leggings, made with the measurements of my daughter (approx 135). I have a question: what adaptions are needed for the lower part in case of figure skating?
Thank you!

PS: I've anticipated this lesson for my convenience, will follow asap the missing previous assignments
около 2 лет назад
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For figure skating, we have now made a new construction of leggings. But it is still untranslated. If you can translate using Google translator, I will send you instructions in PDF format. Send me an email sveta@lana18.ru and I will send you instructions.
около 2 лет назад
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Task accepted.
For figure skating, we have now made a new construction of leggings. But it is still untranslated. If you can translate using Google translator, I will send you instructions in PDF format. Send me an email sveta@lana18.ru and I will send you instructions.
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Добро пожаловать на сайт мастерской Светланы Герасимовой. Более 10 лет мы шьем костюмы для художественной гимнастики и фигурного катания. Мы знаем, как это делать, и можем научить вас.

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