hello high sitting leotard skrit
i want to ask question
the measure of side of back skirt in video is 17 cm were come from
около 3 лет назад
Ответ принят
17 cm in the video is an arbitrary length of the skirt from the side. On a real product, it depends on the design. In the pattern, we make the length of the skirt on the side about 2 cm longer than the rim of the panties on the side.

The pattern is correct.
около 3 лет назад
Ответ принят
17 cm in the video is an arbitrary length of the skirt from the side. On a real product, it depends on the design. In the pattern, we make the length of the skirt on the side about 2 cm longer than the rim of the panties on the side.

The pattern is correct.
около 3 лет назад
I ask. About the measurements of Mark area
около 3 лет назад
I draw it. Again

I ask. The measure of line ю2_ю3 in lesson is 17cm I Don't know were is come from???
около 3 лет назад
Sorry I will do it again
около 3 лет назад
Sorry, please, but you cannot complete tasks in this form. Lines are crooked and sloppy, this is absolutely unacceptable. This is a culture of work, a quality product starts with a quality pattern. Please redo the task so that the result is pleasant to look at.

About your question - please specify what kind of points you are asking about.
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