It is very important to be exact and accurate at the measuring. If tailoring with fitting is supposed, inaccuracies of measurements will be corrected on fitting stage. At the remote tailoring we can be guided only by the standards measured by the customer, it is better to photograph process of measuring — it will allow us to correct values of the inexact measurements.
For correct result the gymnast has to be in underwear or the tight-fitting training clothes. It is ideal if it will be a bodysuit which the gymnast puts on under a leotard for competitions.
Measurements are taken closely to a body, without tightness, but also without additional freedom.
For exact positioning of several main measures it is necessary to tie an elastic rope on a waist of the gymnast. Impossible to take measurements of "Back" and "Rise (crotch depth)" correct without elastic rope on a waist. Be attentive, don't neglect it!
Watch the training video how to take measurements (don´t forget to switch on the subtitles):
How to take measurements step by step:

1. H Gymnast’s height
In creation of a pattern of a leotard for rhythmic gymnastics the measure "Heght" isn't used. She is necessary to us only as information.

2. -- ---

3. CS Chest Size (above the chest)
Put the tape-measure under the armpits, place it horizontally on the breast protruding points. Adult gymnasts formed breasts takes three measurements - on the chest, on the protruding points of the chest and under the breast. It is desirable that the gymnast was in the bodysute, which she wears under a leotard for the competition.

4. WS Waist Size
Measure around the natural waistline where is the elastic rope tied

5. HS Hips Size
The measurements are taken horizontally across protruding buttocks points.

6. CC Contorno del Cuello.
Tomarla por el punto más estrecho del cuello. En razon de esta medida se basa el cuello alto del leotardo. Si la medida es tomada no en el punto más estrecho del cuello, el cuello alto no será bueno apretar al cuello.

7. BWL Back to Waist Length
It is extremely important measure for creation the pattern. It is obligatory to take measurements with the elastic rope tied on a waist. The measurements are taken along a backbone from the seventh cervical vertebra before crossing with an elastic rope on a waist.

8. CL Crotch Length (crotch)
The measurements are taken on the central line from crossing with an elastic rope in front before crossing with an elastic rope behind, having passed a measuring tape between the gymnast's legs.

9. SL Sleeve Length
It is measured from the highest bone on a shoulder (an extreme point of a measure "Shoulder width"), through an elbow to a wrist as a first measurement and the second - to visually harmonious point of the end of protruding elements of a sleeve (usually this point is 3-4 centimeters lower than a wrist point).

10. UAW Under Arm Width
Measure on a straight arm around the bicep.

11. WrS
Wrist Size
The measurements are taken at the beginning of the wrist.

12. -- ...

13. --...

14. SFL Skirt Front Length
It is measured on the central line in front from an elastic rope on a waist to a desirable bottom edge of the skirt.

15. SBL Skirt Back Length
It is measured on the central line behind from an elastic rope to a desirable bottom edge of the skirt.

16. WTF Waist to the floor
The measurement is taken from the elastic rope on the waist to a floor. For this measurement it is better that the gymnast stood on full foot

17. AS Ankle Size
The measurements are taken in the bottleneck of an ankle.

18. CD Crotch Depth
For this measurement it is necessary to put the gymnast on a chair, the measurements are taken on a sideline from elastic rope on the waist to the chair surface.

19. ТTable for take measurements
downlad table